Ta very much to Charles and Elvi at Jack Doyle's who will pick up the tab for the room rental for Round II of the GOTG next Wednesday, October 24th. Nice one, lads. Much appreciated. With sponsors like this, it means that literally every forint taken at the door goes to the Orphanage. mmmm - could this be a new business model in the making? We raised 80 000 ft last month and aim to do the same, if not better, this month. So bring your friends, your mothers, your grannies,e even your next-door neighbours...
We've a great line-up (one minor modification to the menu will publish later this week) and some great speeches to be heard - not that I've heard any of them - I'm just going on form. Where's the bookie when you need one, eh?
We've a great line-up (one minor modification to the menu will publish later this week) and some great speeches to be heard - not that I've heard any of them - I'm just going on form. Where's the bookie when you need one, eh?