Mary Murphy: Co-founder and resident MC
Mary is a firm advocate of public speaking/ speaking in public believing it to be the cheapest legal high anyone can get. And she's finally getting people to agree with her. She's gone from being a social pariah with people crossing the road lest she ask them to participate, to being sought out by those who want to volunteer. Being Irish, she's well capable of spinning a yarn and blending fact and fiction to get people wondering. An active blogger and freelance editor, she is determined to change the world comma by comma.
Jeremy Wheeler: Timekeeper, Scorekeeper, and Resident ContrarianJeremy has been involved with the GOTG since its inception in 2009. He had no idea what he was letting himself in for when he was bullied by Mary to take part ('just as a scorer, you understand...') but has come to enjoy every minute of the experience. He has a wholly undeserved reputation for caustic wit [caustic, perhaps, but wit...? Ed.] and sartorial elegance [odd taste in clothes, surely... Ed.] and is a notorious pedant. Despite having developed Machiavellian methods of taking over more and more of the proceedings, thereby lending his own brand of confusion to the event, he is committed to supporting GOTG, the most enjoyable event on the calendar. When not annoying Mary at GOTG, Jeremy spends his time teaching management and leadership skills, and legal and professional English.
Zsuzsa Bozo: Chief NegotiatorZsuzsa came on board full time last year when we were organising the final. Without her, the gig at the Orfeum would never have happened. Familiar to many as co-owner of Budapest's famous Scottish Pub, The Caledonia, Zsuzsa could coax the most tight-fisted Scottish néni out of her last penny ... if it was for charity. While everyone else (mainly Mary) was bordering on the edge of hysteria trying to find a suitable venue, Zsuzsa took it all in her stride. She did such a good job that she gets to do it again in 2013... watch this space.
Stephen Collison: Resident PhotographerIn 2009, a crack commando was sent to prison by a military court for a crime he didn't commit. This man promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Budapest underground. Today, still wanted by the government, he survives as a soldier of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him, maybe you can hire... Steve Collison. We had, and we did! Steve started his GOTG career as a judge, graduated to the stage as a gabber, and is now firmly ensconced as our resident photographer.
David Saddington: Web Guru
David is originally from the UK's sunshine coast, otherwise known as 'Lancashire'. He took a wrong turn on the way to Buenos Aires in early 2010 somehow ending up in Budapest, where his discovery that he possessed no defence against Mary's formidable persuasion skills led to his first appearance on the GOTG stage. David created and maintains the GOTG's awesome website and can frequently be sighted in cafés hunched over a tiny laptop. Keep your eyes open.
Kath Griffiths - Resident GatekeeperKath offered to 'do the door' for the very first round and has been stuck there ever since. Not that she's complaining or anything. It makes a change from the hectic world of linens. She's also an active canvasser for new competitors and has coaxed one or two on stage in her time.
Gretchen Meddaugh - Co-founder and lifetime supporterGretchen was the one who pushed Mary into booking a venue for the first ever GOTG. They'd talked about the idea over lunch one day and just when it was in danger of being relegated to the 'yet another bright idea' heap, Gretchen did what she does best... Her on-again, off-again relationship with Budapest is currently on. Gretchen refuses to commit, though, until she sees the rink (a rollerskating rink being one thing Budapest hasn't got). A retired schoolmarm, she needs to realize that she's getting on in years and can't really afford to be so picky. You try telling her that, though.
Ilona Miklos - Ideas collector and promoterIlona is an old hand at GOTG and a stalwart supporter of the cause.
Happily ignoring any entreaties to get on stage herself, she is ready, willing, and able to turn her hand to whatever is needed on the night. An active blogger and life coach, the event provides plenty of fascinating material and interesting people for her to consider. What makes people get up there in the first place anyway? |